Hey. Just figured I give you guys a 100% legit way to make a few bucks. Playing wow I find myself sitting in town doing nothing, a lot. So here ya go. This website lets you listen to a song, then write your opinion to earn money. There is no catch. The only thing is, is that you don't make much money from it. Still a few bucks a day translates to free food to me.
Head over to check it out. At least give it a shot. Costs nothing and account creation is easy. Just link with facebook.
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Making Gold
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
To Invest or Not to Invest...
Hey guys and gals. With the official release date for MoP
revieled today I will be bringing you a new post with some related information.
The focus of here is to point out ways you can invest the money you have
to make MASSIVE profits over the next few months with spending very marginal amounts of time. The breakdown shows what the materials you will invest in will be used for.
Elementium ore is incredible cheap right now. Now that MoP has been announced, players will begin to try and offload what they have for just as cheap if not cheaper. Watch the market and if the price dips even more, consider investing in a hefty sum. Elementium bars should not be ignored either. It is personal choice to smelt your elementium ore into bars or not. Bars will be in high demand as people try to powerlevel their professions and this usually means they are willing to pay more to save time.
Herbalore - > Inscription:
Many ways to make money here. A safe way would be to buy up a fair share of the herbs that will be inevitably crashing over the next month or so and consider making Dust of Dissapearance. With the early release of the new talents, people will react like kids in a candyshop and be looking to play around with all sorts of talent and glyph combinations. Many people choose to just mill the cheap herbs and make Blackfallow ink. Sell the ink for a profit. If you are going to do this though, note that you can make a larger profit from selling the dust.
This one really just consists of nabbing cheap enchanting mats and holding onto them until MoP. People want to level professions quickly so they can explore the new content. Supply the demand with a healthy markup.
Skinning - > Leatherworking:
Stocking up on leather is another clear winner. I really only suggest Borean and Savage but the demand for the lower leather will also be present, the volume will just be much lower. If you plan to invest in leather, stay diversified but keep the largest portion in the two suggested. With leatherworking you may also be able to profit from cheap mats being used to make leg armors. I wouldn't go overboard here. There is gold to be made, but I don’t predict it will be too terribly much.
General items:
Volatiles- You can buy these things dirt cheap right now. You can almost guarantee things like Volatile Earth and Volatile Life will not be 50 silver after MoP releases. Easy money to be had. Eternals and the likes also have plenty of room to make profit.
Mining - > Blacksmithing
Elementium ore is incredible cheap right now. Now that MoP has been announced, players will begin to try and offload what they have for just as cheap if not cheaper. Watch the market and if the price dips even more, consider investing in a hefty sum. Elementium bars should not be ignored either. It is personal choice to smelt your elementium ore into bars or not. Bars will be in high demand as people try to powerlevel their professions and this usually means they are willing to pay more to save time.
Herbalore - > Inscription:
Many ways to make money here. A safe way would be to buy up a fair share of the herbs that will be inevitably crashing over the next month or so and consider making Dust of Dissapearance. With the early release of the new talents, people will react like kids in a candyshop and be looking to play around with all sorts of talent and glyph combinations. Many people choose to just mill the cheap herbs and make Blackfallow ink. Sell the ink for a profit. If you are going to do this though, note that you can make a larger profit from selling the dust.
This one really just consists of nabbing cheap enchanting mats and holding onto them until MoP. People want to level professions quickly so they can explore the new content. Supply the demand with a healthy markup.
Skinning - > Leatherworking:
Stocking up on leather is another clear winner. I really only suggest Borean and Savage but the demand for the lower leather will also be present, the volume will just be much lower. If you plan to invest in leather, stay diversified but keep the largest portion in the two suggested. With leatherworking you may also be able to profit from cheap mats being used to make leg armors. I wouldn't go overboard here. There is gold to be made, but I don’t predict it will be too terribly much.
General items:
Volatiles- You can buy these things dirt cheap right now. You can almost guarantee things like Volatile Earth and Volatile Life will not be 50 silver after MoP releases. Easy money to be had. Eternals and the likes also have plenty of room to make profit.
I’d recommend holding onto all the above items if you have them already. I would also highly recommend dumping all enchanting rod as they are being removed. Gems are pretty iffy. Sometimes they shoot back up in price after an expansion but sometimes not to much. Even when they do it takes many months. A super long term investment that is risky – not desireable.
Just keep your eyes peeled. Watch the market and notice shifts in prices. Buy cheap and you will almost always sell for a nice profit. Don’t rush anything. You have plenty of time to gather up supplies as they will soon be pouring into the market. Stay diversified!
Good luck guys and I hope I helped you pick out some items to invest in. Now go make some gold!
On a sidenote I will be doing a Givaway. Looking for a better name for the blog. Leave a comment below with your suggestion. Winning name will be picked on 8/1/12 and the winner will be contacted.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Hey guys and gals, Vthug here with the first installment of “Making Money”. In this post we will hit on an extreamly viable skinning location with the potential to make excellent money now, while collecting items to sell with huge markup come MoP. Quick disclaimer: Not all of my guides will apply to everyone directly. While they will all contain ways for everyone to make profit, some of the methods are profession specific.
Skinning is a fantastic way to make money for those who either have skinning already, or are looking to make money through using a gathering skill in general. My favorite place is by far the stone drakes in Deepholm. These drakes consistently drop an average of 1g, dragon flank, and since they are technically elites, greens are clear to be a plenty. Since these drakes only have about 40-60k life when they drop from the sky, AoE is a huge benefit and time saver. Skinning these puppies is where you start to see the profit shoot up. Blackened Dragon scales, Savage Leather and the occasional Strange bloated stomach are all solid items to collect up and toss up on the AH. Simple, straightforward method. Skin a mob that has good drops and gives good skinning loot. Make sure you have a potion of treasure finding on and are in a lvl 23+ guild for the guild perk bountiful bags as this is crucial to making money quickly with any gathering profession. Let’s take MoP into consideration now.
I hope you guys found this useful and can make some money with it. Spread this around if so. Next guide we will be looking at items to stockpile for the approach and realease of MoP. Take care.
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5 minutes into a run. |
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25 minutes into a run. |
With MoP not too far off in the distance you MUST be aware of the money to be had. Things like savage leather, volatile from the bloated stomaches and dragon flanks may not be worth that much on your server currently. The goal here is to have some cashflow while maintaining a track for bigger profit upon the expansions release. We still are not 100% certain professions will remain how they are in today’s game but from previous expansions we can make the risk comfortably. Dragon flanks will be used by people to level cooking. With the addition of cooking specializations people will feel the need to level it up.Farming up savage leather could be made into a large profit for you right now. Many servers have it marked up to over 100g a stack in which case Stone drakes could yield you up to 2.5k-3.5k an hour. However the decision comes on those servers in which this is not the case. It may not be worth selling right now and you should consider holding onto it. With a whole new class being introduced, the demands for profession leveling mats are going to skyrocket. On average you use about 850-1150(43-58 stacks) savage leather to max out leatherworking. That is just for 1person. The supply will be nowhere near enough to keep up with the demand. People are impatient and if they have the money, they will blow it to get maxed out in order to craft an item, get a pet, whatever perk comes with that profession. This could be said about many other leathers too, but in my opinion Savage leather and Borean leather are the only two worth farming up.
I hope you guys found this useful and can make some money with it. Spread this around if so. Next guide we will be looking at items to stockpile for the approach and realease of MoP. Take care.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Blogs officially launch will be 7/24/12*
Hey guys! Vthug here with an announcement. After much thought and countless requests from friends I would like to share the ways I use in which to not only make money, through farming, professions, raiding, and flipping items on the auction house but I plan to show how to project shifts in the market in order to invest properly and make money.
We will start off with ways to farm efficiently to build up some starter gold and then progress into being able to take a portion of our money and invest it in higher priced items. With Mists of Pandaria not all that far off, many of the techniques will be either outdated or slightly less (or potentially more) effective. This however opens many avenues for stockpiling. These options will be discussed in a future post.
Hey guys! Vthug here with an announcement. After much thought and countless requests from friends I would like to share the ways I use in which to not only make money, through farming, professions, raiding, and flipping items on the auction house but I plan to show how to project shifts in the market in order to invest properly and make money.
We will start off with ways to farm efficiently to build up some starter gold and then progress into being able to take a portion of our money and invest it in higher priced items. With Mists of Pandaria not all that far off, many of the techniques will be either outdated or slightly less (or potentially more) effective. This however opens many avenues for stockpiling. These options will be discussed in a future post.
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